Words of the Week

sol March 2, 2016

For Day 2 of the challenge I decided to take the challenge to the class.

We are trying to write a story based on and using our vocabulary words.  Students are given a 3X3 card filled with vocab words and they must create sentences in a tic-tac-toe format. There are repeat words due to the format. Here is my attempt.

New Age Art Show

In a small dark room, in the basement of the library actually, the art club displayed their artwork. The claustrophobic  contingent of art club members paraded their work downstairs without fanfare. The contingent was filled with fledgling artists so the exhibit was dubbed “The New Age Art Show.” The New Age Artists created several items such as original paintings  and replicas of famous statues. The small space caused long lines and extended wait times.

The Art Teacher’s colleague came to visit the exhibit, however the protracted wait to see the exhibit did not help his claustrophobia either. The colleague dubbed the exhibit a success, even though the fanfare was negligible.

Several students tried their hand at this as well. It was a great activity to help them further their understanding of the vocabulary words.




5 thoughts on “Words of the Week

  1. I’m always curious about this assignment – did you find it hard or easy? I can never write something good when I’m trying to force my use of certain words. How’d you do it??


  2. This is an intriguing ideas. I haven’t heard of it before and would love to know more. I really love your outcome. I googled it, but didn’t find what I was looking for. Where can I learn more?


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